Membership Comittee

Constitution of the Membership Committee of ISAI

Chairman, Committee on Financial Markets and Investors Protection
CA. Kemisha Soni

Terms of Reference

1. To enroll and register Social Impact Assessors (earlier Social Auditors).

2. To enroll and register Social Impact Assessment Entities (earlier Social Audit Firms).

3. To enroll applicants having qualifications other than CA/CS/CWA as Social Impact Assessors (earlier Social Auditors) subject to their compliance of the eligibility criteria as suggested by SEBI from time to time.

4. To review Register of Social Impact Assessors (earlier Social Auditors) and Social Impact Assessment Entities (earlier Social Audit Firms).

5. To take decision regarding refund of fees as per request received from applicants/entities as the case may be.

6. To surrender and expel members in terms of the bye-laws of the company.

7. To formulate policies and procedures for creating awareness related to registration of Social Impact Assessors (earlier Social Auditors) and Social Impact Assessment Entities (earlier Social Audit Firms).

8. To make or amend rules related to the enrollment and registration of Social Impact Assessors (earlier Social Auditors) and Social Impact Assessment Entities (earlier Social Audit Firms) beyond the bye laws of the Company which shall be recommended to the Governing Board for approval.

9. Any other matter as prescribed by the Governing Board from time to time.
